only you know about this

a step back

Friday, December 30

truth told

i've never actually critizized or commented on any individual's act whether or not

they are complete strangers to me or my "friends" or anyone for that matter.

apparently, my silence has whispered some sort of secret message into the ears of

those out there.

people i don't know are talking about me and there are even some who dare

claim things out of the blue but the best part is.................................

they gossip about me to everyone they know (also the people i know)

i'm starting to wonder, do these people have nothing better to do rather than to

just pry into my life??

the interesting part here is that these people are sufficiently educated , well-versed with social ettiques and

i'm very sure that they do know they boundaries in another person's life.

yet, they behave as though they are uncivilised!!!

oh...i get it...they are just civilised academically but not morally.

civilised or uncivilised religion teaches one to respect another's privacy

yet, there are some who take these teachings so lightly and feel that religion is

no match to our advancing technology.

well, hell awaits for these people and for those who trust in GOD, heaven will

bring joyous new life.

anyway, i'm sorry to be talking like a philosopher here(i'm not by the way),

to make a 19 year old girl talk like these, people must have done some serious

damage to my feelings.

yup..they did!!

what did they do you ask??

well..where in the world do i begin??hmmmm...

the beginning of these story seems like the end and the end seems like the


well...if you do want to know what happens, feel free to look up this blog again

because i'm pretty sure you would be surprised with the things i've experienced!!

good day everyone!!

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