only you know about this

a step back

Saturday, March 16


i realised that my blog here has been neglected long since i came to Bali

but,here's the good news!

I've made a promise to myself to at least have one post each day

so many things are happening here, pretty sure i have plenty to blog about

for starters, of course there are lots of haters here

like duhhhh?? how can there ever not be?

and lots of nice places to visit too

don't worry, pictures to come soon!

gotta upload them on my laptop first!

Tuesday, January 15

a simple hello

okay, since this is my very post in 2013, i would like to start off by wishing everyone

is it too late or new year wishes??

hope not :D

anyway, wanna know the latest updates , no i wasn't dead all this while my blog wasn't updated

just 'busy' more like being lazy

hahaha..back to story..

so lots have happened but i guess pictures paint a thousand words

but you guys have gotta wait or them though

until the next post

Thursday, December 13


So, woke up this morning and realized that it was raining..and hyes it was freezing cold that I

I did not want to wake up..I just wanted to curl up into a ball with my blanky and sleep..

To hug smurf tightly and dream of some paradise island with me swimming with the sharks...

Oooooppppssss....not swimming..watching shark swim that is...

PS:I am hydrophobic

Yeah, so where was I again? Oh sleep...

It was disturbed by the strong , irresistible need to go to class and listen to a 1 hour lecture where

I will never comprehend anything the lecturer says and try my best not to doze off while

He is saying something 'important' ..frankly speaking, I just don't find the lectures useful..

It's just a summary of the things you need to know..that's all..nothing much

Now, back to the rain, so I showered while i shivered and took a proper English breakfast

I wouldn't say it was a proper English breakfast, part English breakfast maybe??

It was just bread and jam with a glass of warm milk..

And then it was time to face the rain

My battle with it was terrifying, it could give me nightmares, days of insomnia


It was fun!!

I love getting wet under the rain, though it was kinda annoying that my bag pack actually got wet...

And I had to fasten my strides to make sure my lovely iPad doesn't get wet

Yup..I'm in class now, waiting for the lecture to start...

Apparently, others decided to not come for class

arithmetic progression it has been weeks..or is months?? naaa...

not sure myself...that's how bad my memory power is when it comes to this blog..

its not that i have abandoned it..nor do i want to..

its just that i'm superbusy..

with stuff...that are completely irrelevant to academics...

wait..where shall i start with??

oh ya..there's this endless list of nonsense that i don't know which to pick..they are seem dumb

maybe i should start with an event that basically sucked up all of my energy and zest for life and made me

question did i actually come to bali to study or to learn how to dance modern dances and whatsoever

exactly!! you go it!! there was this event that was held on last sunday ,where we practically spend our

precious study time by doing absolutely A-grade professional dancing which i so happen to never at all

get.. you know what

i just can't...never could and never will..

we were practically forced to dance and the amount of exhaustion is still slowing my daily activities

till today...i haven't yet recovered from it...

but what was the point of it??

NONE! it lead us to nowhere...just plain tiredness and the possiblity of failing an exam due to excessive

practice with unlimited study time..


never mind that , don't think i'm complaining or being disrespectful for those who actually took the pains

to organise such a spectacular event, its just that i so critisise the time frame of the event..

it could have been done wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy earlier when

our subjects weren't that heavy and when we had plenty of free time...instead why do it so late??

when we are busy??that's what i don't get...

*if anyone was offended with any of the statements i have mentioned earlier please do forgive me it was not meant to hurt anyone or anything...its just how i feel..that's all*

right, now for the next thing, lots of things definitely have happened since this past few weeks...i wouldn't

even say weeks...actually everyday something happens..sometimes interesting, sometimes boring...

interesting part is...

drumroll please......

i can go back to malaysia in 7 days!!!

can you just imagine how excited i am!!

finally i get to go home and see the people i love and the books that i so dearly miss also my fingers have

been experiencing guitar-withdrawal-syndrome...oh is a disease alright diagnosed only in people

who have exceessive love and passion for music and their guitar...

oh ya...i also found a new love...LAMBORGHINI!!

god!!those cars are HAWT!

i so wanna drive one...

ok..that's the fun part, the academic part will be kinda stressful...but nothing that bad till i can't handle it

yes i agree that there are tonnes to study and you can practically faint looking at the books but yeah i love

reading so it makes studying fun for me...though sometimes i get bored looking at the same thing again

and again but i have my ipad to keep me company...

oh ya..speaking of ipad, i just downloaded some cool new app for it and it looks so much more happier

now..and i got some cute pink wallpapers for it...the only thing left for my ipad is a name...

not sure which one to pick though...

till the next time..!!

Wednesday, November 21


so this is my first post from bali...

so far everything is fine..

life at campus , studies and everything is going great!!!

my lectures are pretty fun and its about everything i love...

and my new classmates are all very friendly

the food here is kinda spicy though but it does really taste good

but i don't deny the fact that i have plenty to study and catch up with and to top it all off my exam is in 2

more weeks and i have like 15 chapters to read and remember that's two R's!! that's a lot to do in

two weeks and to think that i have enough work, there comes more work...see we have to join extracurricular activities..

and i have lots to do for that too...i'm in this society that helps raise awareness among the public

on AIDS and its a very active society and i really enjoy being part of it but there's a lot to do for the

upcoming world AIDS day celebration...

however the first few weeks here (no months ~ 2 months to be exact ) was hell...there was a lot of bullying

by some irresponsible and uncivilised people...anyway..the right people went to the authorities and

as of course those so-called bullies are no longer bothering us anymore

Thursday, August 30

my world

now that i finally have to leave to further my tertiary education , i'm really missing school

when STPM was FINALLY over , i was so excited about the 9 month holiday break!!

but today ,after the 9 month holidays , i'm really missing school

i really wish i can go back to form 1 again..

how i wish that i could go back all those long schooling years

i'm surprised at how i'm missing this after all these years

i still remember how nervous i was to go to my secondary school for the first time during my orientation week

i've always hated school projects and most of my classmates who think they're so-called perfect

some think they're the smartest among all and some think they're the prettiest among all

believe me , i've met all kinds of weird characters, most of them enjoyed bullying me , but some were friendly

i remember particularly this group...they're of course in the same class as i was in form 1

they were all smart and so was i..i got better marks than them in MOST of the subjects

well ,most because i am good at every subject except MATH!!!

since i get better grades ,they kinda hate me...not kinda...but really hate me

so this group consists of about 8 girls i guess...the worst being a girl called K

the rest  are equally bad but they're slightly better i guess...

my parents used to send girl K to school because her parents were working..

in the car ,in front of my parents , she would act all nice and polite but once she gets into the school

compound , she turns into this beast that bullies me ...believe it or not , she when all around the school

telling her group of gossip friends that my daddy was her driver and he works for her family...

me being the quiet and timid girl back then never said a word to anyone about it or confronted her

about this silly lie she was daddy was actually just helping her parents to send her to school

because we like kinda live in the same neighbourhood and that my daddy so happens to have to send

me to school everyday that he actually agreed to just give her a lift .......when i say lift was

being done since kindergarten , all the way through primary school right until form 2 for FREE 

yet she goes around and creates such lies!!

and then there's this other girl called S

this girl thinks she's the smartest among all in the class...

me , i got 98 for the history paper in exam and she got 95 and i have no idea where in the world she got

the nerves from to go around busybodying about my paper...she took my paper and scanned

trough it to see if there were mistakes in it to reduce my mark...and then for the final year exam...this girl S

got a B for english (ps: her english is not excellent) and i as always got an A...she was gossiping to her

friend that i got a higher mark than her...

altough i had plenty of ups and downs in school life ,i still kinda miss it...i do miss these group of girls

who come to school just to make my life miserable...and i kinda miss watching they're expressions

whenever i got better grades than them or got praises during school assembly or won competitions that

they couldn't possibly dream of participating in....some of them really ruined things for me but i never quit

trying because i didn't do anything wrong...the things they say or did were made up and none were even

close to the truth...most of these girls are already in they're tertiary education phase...some are doctors and

some lawyers...and some pharmacists...some accountants....they may have the good grades but they

don't have the good attitude....most of them are hypocrites...they're simply good in pretending

they were very rude to teachers in class especially girl K and a girl H....even teachers despised them

they humiliate some of the teachers because the teachers didn't know the answers to they're silly questions

and they never listened to anything the teachers taught in class...most of the time they would just talk and

talk about

others and plan for they're silly shopping trips or copy they're additional mathematics homework..

i wish  i will never meet classmates of this sort in university but even if i do

i'm pretty sure i can stand up for myself if i am ever bullied...i am no longer afraid to defend myself

till the next time ,

stay polite

Wednesday, August 22

just a recap

  nope i haven't abandoned my blog ,i was just busy with my university preparations since i didn't get any offer from a local university i am flying indonesia (to bali that is) to study medicine..i have received several offers from private universities here to do courses like pharmacy and medicine but i rejected them because its quite expensive...the universities i got are really the big names in the i decided to go abroad... at first, i was hessitant to go (i still feel that way) but i am going to go there to further my studies anyway...sometimes i feel like maybe i have made the wrong decision by choosing to go there... it is my choice anyway to go abroad....but i didn't have a choice to choose to do study here i was kinda hoping that i would get an engineering course in a local public university but i didn't get a place...i don't know why i didin't because my results suite an engineering course and i did fulfill all the minimum entry fact , people with a cgpa of 2 can get the same course i had applied for...anyway , that doesn't matter...i am going abroad to further my studies in a field that i love...i never thought i would be able to get this opportunity... i never once dreamt that i would be doing medicine abroad .....i never thought of going abroad!!! i guess there's a first time to everything well, the thing that worries me is being apart from my parents and my boyfriend...i've never been away from them before...not once , well maybe in national service but that really doesn't count.. it was just a 2 month thing and it was kinda nearby my i have to go to a whole different country....i am scared...but i'm excited!!i have the opportunity of a lifetime!!! so many people out there want to be at the place where i am right now...and i have it!! i can't pass up this oppotunity just because i'm too afraid..sure its gonna be difficult for the coming few weeks but that is all...i'm gonna get used to it!! my boyfriend was sad because i'm going abroad...he feels like i'm leaving him alone here...well darling....i am not leaving you...i am gonna call you and text you and we have skype and i can come home often are not alone. ..knowing that you're sad is just gonna make me feel even worse...i want the both of us to have a really bright me , the sacrifices we make today is gonna give us happiness in the me darling.... i don't know what my schedule is gonna be like as a medical student...but from the things that i've heard..its gonna be kinda don't be sad or angry if i call you a little late or don't send you too many text messages like i always do darling .....just remember that i'll always love you darling.... well....i'm done packing my things but there are a few last minutes things to pack and then i'm good to go....i'm really looking forward to this new chapter of my life....its gonna be really exciting and i'm gonna learn plenty of new things in the next decade of my life... the best part is...i'm gonna be studying the field i love most!!!this is what excites me the most...