only you know about this

a step back

Monday, April 16

picture not perfect

if i remember it correctly , i think it was the month of september that this painful   incident happened

it was the year 2010 to be exact...i was in lower six in this school which i prefer not be named

really , its for the good of the school not mine

i attended the leo club installation and so happened i was the master of ceremony for that evening with a

girl   boy...the event was of course going very smoothly ....

there were plenty of performances and lots and lots of speeches *yawn*

then it was time for break...

i of all people was looking forward to the 30 minutes break...

i was exhausted standing there trying to fake that smile even when i felt like killing some idiot VIP  person

who was trying to make my job anything but easier...

so happened that during the break time there was so many picture-taking sessions

and of course i was pretty much very involved in it...

duh..who wouldn't wanna take pictures with the MC??

i took lots of pictures with several people (of course with people i know)

and one of the picture was with my darling...

the picture turned out to be nothing but 3 ordinary people who so happen to be really good friends

as you know...whatever ends up photographed eventually sets 'foot' on facebook

several pictures was on my wall tagged by plenty of people who attaneded the event of course

seems fine don't it??

you may all be wondering where's the problem then???

here comes the problem...

a day or two after my 'big debut' on facebook...someone(i have no idea who) told my father that

i took a picture with a boy and posted it on facebook so that everyone can see it

i was told to delete the picture...

and yes..i did it...

i did it because i was baffled by the accusation in the first place

i did not take pictures with anyone alone...

i took all the pictures that day in groups of 3 to 4...

and yet that fellow who i don't know who can tell my father that i took a picture with a boy to let

everyone see it...

trust me..if i someday find out who this person is (which i will ).....i'd like to send this person to a doctor

to get his eyes checked...or go back to kindergarten to learn how to count...because this person certainly

doesn't know the difference between 2 and 3...

i just don't get why people love to talk about me so much...

if i post a picture there's a problem...

if i send a comment to someone its a problem...

if i go out with someone its a problem...

whatever i do its always a problem to some people...

i don't know when this is gonna stop...

i used to worry about this then but now i just don't care what people wanna say

about me....if they don't like what i do...not my problem...

as long as i'm not doing anything wrong...its alright...

i'm tired of trying to please everyone...

all this while that's what i've been doing...

i cared of what people said and thought of me...but no one ever cared if anything

that they had done or did actually hurt my feelings or not...

so..i've decided that i don't want to miss nice-to-everyone anymore

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