only you know about this

a step back

Wednesday, April 18


you know like most girls i don't exactly have long hair

my hair is kinda short and of course very curly

ps: the curls are kinda nice

anyway , since i used to be very busy with school and tuition classes i absolutely had no time at all to

comb my hair or at least even spend time making it look nice for that matter

i never really cared about how i look or what i wore

i wear shorts wherever i go because its easy and very comfortable not to mention casual

the wheather is too hot for long pants or even jeans

so i always wore shorts and sports shoes and i hate to wear make-up

some  most girls called me tom-boy (hope i spelled it right)

but i didn't take it too seriously because i was too focused in my studies rather than my appearance

among the comments and critisism that i've heard (still hear) would be that:
ps: the one's in purple are just my thoughts which i haven't said to anyone

1. my hair is too short

so??i'm comfortable with my hair of that length....what's your problem?? look at your hair its like soooooooooo long and i bet a fire extinguisher can use it instead of a that time i just didn't need my hair to be long..but today, i don't want my hair short life isn't going to be as hectic as it was during my schooling want to keep my hair long..

2.i look like a boy

so what if i look like a boy?? if i have my hair short that doesn't mean i'm not a girl...and it doesn't mean if you have long hair you act like a girl..some of you even act worse than boys...with the noises you make in tuition classes and interrupting the teacher while he/she teaches and sometimes being very rude to classmates and call that lady-like?? REALLY???
*shakes head in disbelief*

3.i intentionally want to show off my 'sexy' legs by wearing shorts

i don't wear shorts and t-shirts to show off my figure ok?? i wear it because i feel very comfortable and i go for tuition classes to study not to be a supermodel...unlike some people who actually wear dangling earings and super shiny skirts that blinds my eye..
i even wear shorts when i go out to town today..i wear it because its the fastest to put on and i'm comfortable in it...

i'm not saying all these to critisise anyone nor am i pointing fingers to any indivual....i'm merely stating and expressing my feelings....i just want this comments to stop.....because i still here them today and i'm really sick of it.....i never bothered what anyone wore or how their hair looked like.....i do what is comfortable to me....i'm not wearing clothes or changing my hairstyle because others' hate it....i don't dress to impress.....i dress for comfort

PS : i only hear comments like this from girls and some boys who are close to these girls

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